Five cat breeds that won't require frequent trips to the vet are naturally healthy.
Igor Zur cat breeds Tips for cat owners veterinarian immunity Pets 25 November 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why a cat may twitch in its sleep.
Marina Michalap cat health keeping cats cats Pets 11 September 2024Not everyone knows about the 2 dangerous diseases that can be contracted from kissing a cat.
Marina Michalap keeping cats facts about cats cats Pets 31 May 2024A pet cannot tell its owner that it is sick and needs help. Therefore, the owner of the animal must carefully observe any changes in the cat's behavior in order to take timely measures.
Olga Kotova cats cats cat health signs Pets 21 March 2024Experts believe that a cat can be taken to the vet just because it starts hiding from its owner.
Igor Zur cats cat behavior vet for cat board Pets 4 January 2024The cause of "orphan disease" which is often seen in cats is the fact that they are separated from their mother too early.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals Pets 31 December 2023