The withers (nape) in animals is the highest point on the back, located between the shoulder blades.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals cat owner Pets 4 January 2025Many parents are faced with the fact that their children ask them to get a cat.
Marina Michalap children and family cats Advice to parents Children 2 November 2024Not everyone knows why it is worth getting a cat.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats cat and man Pets 25 October 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why people don't have cats.
Marina Michalap cats cat and man facts about cats Pets 16 October 2024Not everyone knows why a cat actually follows us around the apartment.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cats facts about cats Pets 28 September 2024Not everyone knows why cats may come to sleep in our bed.
Marina Michalap the cat is sleeping facts about cats Pets 23 September 2024Some people should definitely not have a cat.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats Pets 21 September 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate that your cat is happy with you.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats happy cat Pets 20 September 2024Not everyone knows how to determine obesity in cats.
Marina Michalap cat health obesity in cats cat nutrition Pets 12 September 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why a cat may twitch in its sleep.
Marina Michalap cat health cat diseases cats Pets 11 September 2024Not everyone knows why a cat might put its paw in a bowl of water.
Marina Michalap facts about cats cats cat behavior Pets 10 September 2024Not everyone knows how exactly a cat chooses a place to sleep.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior facts about cats Pets 31 August 2024Not everyone knows how to make the relationship with a cat more emotional and strong.
Marina Michalap relationship with a cat cats cat behavior Pets 1 August 2024Not everyone knows about the 2 dangerous diseases that can be contracted from kissing a cat.
Marina Michalap cat diseases facts about cats cats Pets 31 May 2024Not everyone knows how to deal with the unpleasant smell of cat urine.
Marina Michalap cats cat care Pets 18 May 2024Not everyone knows what mistakes we make most often when keeping cats.
Marina Michalap cat health cat care cats Pets 12 May 2024Not everyone knows about the advantages and disadvantages of having cats as pets.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior cats Pets 21 April 2024Not everyone knows what actions a cat might be offended by.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cat character Pets 17 April 2024Not everyone knows at what age a cat can actually be considered old.
Marina Michalap cat health old age cats Pets 14 April 2024Not everyone knows how long a cat can be left alone at home.
Marina Michalap facts about cats cats Pets 10 April 2024