Where is the withers on cats: every pet owner should know about this

04.01.2025 01:20

The withers (nape) in animals is the highest point on the back, located between the shoulder blades.

Where is the withers on cats

You should look for the withers of a purring cat from the back on the spine. It is easy to feel with your fingers at the point in front of the shoulder blades above the animal's front legs.

Here you will find the most insensitive area with particularly dense and elastic skin, which lies freely at this point and rises when stretched.

What is the significance of this body part?

First of all, it is worth noting that the withers are considered a problem area, despite its reduced sensitivity.

The thing is that any injury in this area can seriously affect the animal’s health.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, the withers are important in the process of choosing a collar for your pet, clothing, as well as other accessories such as a carrier, etc.

Experts, including by the height of the withers, determine whether the cat's height corresponds to the breed standard.

Finally, the owner must learn to correctly determine the location of the withers of his pet for those cases when it is necessary to carry out medical procedures. The scruff is the best place to apply antiparasitic agents, as well as for subcutaneous injections.

What manipulations are carried out with the withers?

It is probably not worth reminding that the withers are actively “used” by kittens from childhood, when their mother grabs the babies by the scruff of the neck with her teeth to carry them to another place, for example, if they are in danger.

At such moments, the animal’s cerebellum receives a signal to relax and not move – the kitten does not even meow.

But don’t even think about moving adult cats in this way, because their weight will make the procedure painful.

You should never grab your pet by the scruff, even during training – it’s better to just stroke it in this place. This way you can calm the animal down and take the first steps to making friends with it.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Where is the withers on cats
  2. What is the significance of this body part?
  3. What manipulations are carried out with the withers?