Latest news for September 21, 2024


Marigolds are able to delight the owners of country plots where they grow, from summer until late autumn.

Elena Shimanovskaya marigold flowers plants benefits of marigolds use of marigolds Garden and Vegetable Garden

It is a common misconception that only tea "leftovers" are used in the production of tea bags. In fact, this is a misconception.

Kurchev Anton tea bags material drinks what tea to choose Roskachestvo Useful tips
Washing machine

Cleaning experts advise cleaning for 20-30 minutes every day – supposedly, this will help avoid the accumulation of household chores and thus free up the weekend from general cleaning.

Elena Shimanovskaya washing fabric softener how to replace air conditioner salt life hacks Useful tips

Sometimes we think that one pill is not enough to relieve the symptoms that bother us. Sometimes the situation is the opposite: it seems to us that the medicine is too concentrated.

Elena Shimanovskaya health tablets medicines medicinal preparations treatment Beauty and health

A dismissed employee, especially in cases where, in his opinion, the dismissal was unfair, may harbor a grudge against his superiors, and at the same time, against his colleagues.

Elena Shimanovskaya work dismissal dismissal from work Colleagues relationships with colleagues People and Events

At least once in his life, a person has experienced betrayal by a loved one, and perhaps he himself is unfaithful to him.

Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac love and relationships change horoscopes and astrology Horoscopes

The first two decades of September were quite warm in Belarus. However, at the end of the first autumn month the situation will apparently change.

Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News weather in Belarus Dmitry Ryabov weather forecast for the week Society

Russian actor Vladimir Morgunov, known for his role in the TV series “My Fair Nanny,” has passed away.

Elena Shimanovskaya Vladimir Morgunov an actor death TV series series Show business

Many people who have gone through a divorce face difficulties when they decide to build a new relationship. But difficulties do not mean that the path to happiness is closed to them.

Elena Shimanovskaya relationship divorce Love how to find love man and woman Love and Family

If you are a cat owner, you may have noticed that sometimes your cat will fly out of the toilet like a bullet and start literally destroying everything around.

Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals cat behavior toilet Pets

Many people who want to lose weight, and do it as quickly as possible, wonder whether sports can help them in this matter?

Elena Shimanovskaya diet sports and health weight loss excess weight does sport help to lose weight Diets