Prohibitions and restrictions on visiting forests are in effect in all regions of Belarus: situation as of the evening of September 21

21.09.2024 19:49

According to data as of the evening of September 21, absolutely free access to forests is not permitted in any region of our country.

In every Belarusian region there is either a ban or a restriction on visiting forest areas.

This is evidenced by data published on the official website of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus.

the forest
Photo: © Belnovosti

The Internet portal presents an interactive map of the country, all of whose regions are colored either red or yellow.

The first color indicates a current ban, and the second indicates a restriction on visiting forests.

Situation in the regions of Belarus

At the moment, visiting forest areas is prohibited in all areas of the Mogilev region.

But in all areas of Brest and Grodno regions, you can visit forests, but with restrictions.

As for the Minsk region, restrictions on visiting forests are in effect in almost all districts of this region, with the exception of Berezinsky, Borisovsky, Krupsky and Logoisk: it is forbidden to visit forest areas there.

In 6 districts of Vitebsk region and in 9 districts of Gomel region restrictions on visiting forests have been introduced. In the remaining districts of these regions a ban is in effect.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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