Does your hunger seem insatiable and your portion sizes seem to grow by leaps and bounds?
Elena Shimanovskaya stomach food nutrition how to lose weight Diets 13 March 2025Sports nutritionist Alexandra Deryabina told us what to eat to lose weight.
Timur Khomichev products weight loss products how to lose weight excess weight Diets 1 March 2025The cook told how to bake diet pancakes without sugar.
Igor Zur pancakes without flour culinary tricks cooking and food bananas Cooking 1 March 2025Do you think that chocolate and slimness are incompatible? It turns out that you can enjoy your favorite treat every day and not gain weight.
Kurchev Anton chocolate dark chocolate benefits of chocolate sweets Diets 1 March 2025French biochemist Jessie Inchauspe, known as the "Glucose Goddess," proves that weight control is possible without strict restrictions.
Elena Shimanovskaya how to lose weight excess weight extra pounds calories Diets 28 February 2025Therapist Yana Shmeleva named a super product for weight loss and youth.
Timur Khomichev pistachio youth preserve youth weight loss products Diets 28 February 2025It seems like the world of healthy eating has been rocked by a new trend: a thick cocktail that doesn't just replace a meal, but specifically fights fat deposits.
Elena Shimanovskaya diet cocktail recipe drinks for weight loss Diets 28 February 2025You're on 800 calories a day, but the fat isn't coming off. Sound familiar?
Valeria Kisternaya famine reasons Diets 28 February 2025In a country where rice is eaten three times a day, the obesity rate is one of the lowest in the world.
Elena Shimanovskaya Japan rice porridge rice groats how to cook rice Diets 27 February 2025Imagine a diet where almost all vegetables are banned: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers...
Elena Shimanovskaya diet vegetables vegetables for weight loss benefits of vegetables Diets 27 February 2025It is enough to devote just 10 minutes a day to simple training – and the results will not be long in coming.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news weight exercises life hacks Beauty and health 27 February 2025Nutritionists say that the main advantages of this diet are the balanced and varied diet.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news products food nutrition Diets 27 February 2025Do you want those extra pounds to go away almost by themselves?
Elena Shimanovskaya drinks secrets of losing weight drinks for weight loss excess weight Diets 26 February 2025Nutritionist Elena Solomatina named the non-obvious reasons for weight gain.
Timur Khomichev excess weight weight gain obesity reasons Diets 26 February 2025Scientists have discovered a curious pattern: people who regularly sleep less than five hours gain weight twice as fast as those who rest seven to eight hours.
Elena Shimanovskaya secrets of losing weight healthy sleep how to lose weight excess weight Diets 26 February 2025Pasta is a high-calorie product and should not form the basis of your diet.
Timur Khomichev pasta pasta rules for losing weight Dietitian's advice Diets 24 February 2025You eat once a day, drink green smoothies and count every gram of sugar, but your weight keeps growing?
Valeria Kisternaya diet reasons Diets 24 February 2025Why do trendy diets give temporary results, and the weight comes back with extra weight?
Elena Shimanovskaya diet diets and nutrition how to lose weight secrets of losing weight Diets 24 February 2025Hate weighing food and counting calories? Good news: losing weight can be intuitive.
Elena Shimanovskaya calories how to reduce calories check secrets of losing weight Diets 24 February 2025You drink 3 liters a day, but instead of lightness you feel bloated and heavy. Sound familiar?
Valeria Kisternaya water diet weight gain reasons Diets 22 February 2025