Do you want those extra pounds to go away almost by themselves?
Dietitians and nutritionists are increasingly turning their attention to simple drinks that do not require expensive ingredients, but at the same time effectively fight fat deposits.
These options not only improve metabolism, but also saturate the body with vitamins, making the process of losing weight enjoyable and safe.

Drink with cinnamon and honey
Cinnamon is not just a fragrant spice. It stimulates metabolism, and when combined with honey, it becomes a powerful ally against excess weight. Honey removes excess fluid, and cinnamon activates the breakdown of fats.
Making the drink is simple: pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of cinnamon, let it brew for 30 minutes, then add a spoonful of honey.
Drink on an empty stomach or before dinner - the results will not take long to come.
Green Smoothies
Cucumber, spinach, green apple and celery are the perfect base for a smoothie that will replace a snack and speed up digestion. Such drinks are rich in fiber, which gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, and antioxidants, which remove toxins.
Add some ice or ginger for a spicy kick, and you'll have a cocktail that's not only healthy, but also refreshing.
Beetroot juice
Despite its earthy flavor, beetroot juice has long been a favorite among those struggling with weight.
It increases blood flow, helping muscles work harder during workouts, and breaks down fat in problem areas.
To soften the taste, mix it with carrot juice or apple. Just one glass a day - and you will notice how your body becomes slimmer.
It is important to remember: even the healthiest drinks are no substitute for a balanced diet and physical activity.
But if you add them to your diet, the process of losing weight will become more comfortable and the results will be more noticeable. Try it and see for yourself that losing weight can be delicious!