Imagine a diet where almost all vegetables are banned: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers...
It sounds absurd, but this is exactly what the paradoxical nutrition system that is gaining popularity looks like.
Its authors are convinced that the usual "healthy" products prevent you from losing weight. Where is the truth and where is the marketing?

The basis of the method is the rejection of lectins, proteins that supposedly cause inflammation and block weight loss. The list of prohibitions is impressive: beans, cereals, most fruits, nuts and even coffee.
Only seasonal fruits, meat, fish and... dietary supplements from the creator of the diet are allowed.
At the same time, there is no scientific evidence that lectins are harmful to humans - research was limited to experiments on rodents 20 years ago.
Experts admit that lectins in raw beans can indeed irritate the gastrointestinal tract. However, heat treatment neutralizes them.
Eliminating entire food groups deprives the body of fiber, vitamins and minerals.
“Weight loss on such a diet occurs not due to the rejection of lectins, but due to the reduction of sugar and processed foods,” nutritionists note.
Is it worth the risk? Yes, the kilos go away. But the price is an imbalance of microflora, energy deficiency and long-term health risks.
The paradoxical diet is like playing Russian roulette: you may lose weight, but the consequences are unpredictable.
Until science confirms the benefits of the system, it is not worth experimenting with it. It is much safer to choose a diet where vegetables remain friends, not enemies.