Scientists have discovered a curious pattern: people who regularly sleep less than five hours gain weight twice as fast as those who rest for seven to eight hours.
The mechanism is simple: lack of sleep disrupts the production of hormones that control appetite.
Fatigue, in turn, makes you choose high-calorie foods.

Consistent actions will help you overcome the habit of lack of sleep.
Experts recommend setting a fixed bedtime and wake-up time, including weekends.
Darkening the room, avoiding gadgets an hour before bed, and cool air will create conditions for falling asleep quickly.
It's important to remind yourself that quality sleep reduces cravings for unhealthy snacks, improves concentration, and speeds up your metabolism.
Those who get enough sleep are less likely to experience sudden hunger pangs and find it easier to maintain physical activity.
The fight against insomnia starts small - instead of watching TV series, choose a book or meditation.
If anxious thoughts prevent you from relaxing, the “grounding” technique helps: slow breathing and concentration on sensations in the body.
Gradually, the brain learns to perceive the bed as a place for rest, not for solving problems.
The results show up not only in the numbers on the scale, but also in your energy levels, skin condition, and productivity throughout the day.