A nutritionist named the main reasons for overeating on New Year's Eve and told how to stay healthy.
Igor Zur New Year protection against overeating fatty foods alcoholic drinks Beauty and health 19 December 2024A nutritionist explained how much bread a healthy person leading an active lifestyle can eat per day.
Igor Zur carbohydrates benefits of bread healthy eating lifestyle Beauty and health 18 December 2024American nutritionists have named winter food supplements that will strengthen the immune system.
Igor Zur healthy eating seasonings and spices vegetables and fruits greens in the diet Beauty and health 17 December 2024A nutritionist has listed unhealthy cottage cheese products - better to leave in the store.
Igor Zur proper nutrition benefits of cottage cheese supplements harm of sugar Diets 15 December 2024A nutritionist told us which aspic is considered the healthiest and how much of it can be eaten at one time.
Igor Zur healthy eating aspic useful substances digestion Diets 11 December 2024Scientists have revealed which breakfast foods are best for men and which for women.
Igor Zur men and women healthy eating research by scientists food products Diets 9 December 2024A nutritionist told which fruits will help get rid of back pain.
Igor Zur healthy eating back pain dried fruits Diets 7 December 2024"Herring under a fur coat", despite the presence of vegetables, is dangerous for heart patients.
Igor Zur New Year's salads lower cholesterol heart health fat Diets 2 December 2024Older people who suffer from digestive problems should be careful when eating certain fruits, such as persimmons and exotic fruits.
Igor Zur healthy fruits age-related changes contraindications secrets of longevity Diets 2 December 2024Nutritionist Ginzburg recommends paying attention to dumplings with poultry filling.
Igor Zur proper nutrition dumplings maintain health Diets 28 November 2024Most often, diet failures are caused by illusions, errors in calorie counting and metabolism.
Igor Zur diet metabolism Diets 27 November 2024Offal is cheaper than fish and meat and is often much healthier.
Igor Zur offal healthy eating contraindications maintain health Beauty and health 27 November 2024The nutritionist named salted lard as the healthiest, but it also has contraindications.
Igor Zur benefits of lard contraindications food products Diets 26 November 2024A nutritionist has warned that regular consumption of sausage products takes years off your life.
Igor Zur harmful products longevity diet diseases Beauty and health 25 November 2024A nutritionist has named the main symptoms of calcium deficiency - the entire body reacts.
Igor Zur painful symptoms calcium dairy products healthy diet Diets 25 November 2024The nutritionist does not recommend preparing sandwiches with red caviar for the New Year.
Igor Zur red caviar useful substances excess weight sandwiches with caviar Diets 24 November 2024Experts have named cereals that increase blood glucose levels - there are only two of them.
Igor Zur healthy eating porridge myths about food Diets 24 November 2024Typically, such snacks contain a lot of fatty foods and a minimum of vegetables.
Igor Zur maintain health New Year's dishes calories fatty foods Beauty and health 23 November 2024American nutritionists have come to the conclusion that the OMAD diet will not be beneficial for everyone.
Igor Zur healthy eating maintain health intermittent fasting calories Diets 21 November 2024A nutritionist has assessed the beneficial properties of artificial caviar.
Igor Zur red caviar useful substances seafood health Diets 20 November 2024