On New Year's Eve, the main events will take place at the site near the Sports Palace from 00:30 to 04:00.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News New Year festive events Minsk 19 December 2024During the holidays, the police and internal troops will be put on high alert.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News New Year Ministry of Internal Affairs | Ministry of Internal Affairs Society 19 December 2024We'll tell you what kind of New Year's table the hostess of the year will like.
Timur Khomichev New Year's table New Year's dishes New Year festive table Cooking 16 December 2024Belarusian Railways has scheduled 239 additional trains for the New Year and Christmas holidays.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News trains BZhD | Belarusian Railways Society 16 December 2024To wrap a nice present for a loved one, it is not at all necessary to go to the store in search of suitable wrapping.
Elena Shimanovskaya a gift package holiday New Year gifts People and Events 15 December 2024The outfit should be elegant and discreet, the fabrics should be natural.
Timur Khomichev New Year's outfit New Year's clothing New Year color People and Events 13 December 2024We'll tell you what dishes the Green Wooden Snake won't tolerate on the New Year's table.
Timur Khomichev New Year's table New Year's dishes festive table New Year Cooking 12 December 2024There are several options for how to officially take a day off before the New Year holidays.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News weekend New Year Society 12 December 2024We'll tell you what kind of New Year's table the hostess of the year will like and what you shouldn't cook.
Timur Khomichev New Year New Year's table New Year's dishes festive table Cooking 11 December 2024We tell you what the weather will be like on New Year's Eve in Minsk and regional centers.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News New Year weather Society 9 December 2024We tell you what you shouldn’t serve on the New Year’s table so as not to anger the Green Wooden Snake.
Timur Khomichev New Year New Year's table New Year's dishes festive table Cooking 5 December 2024In a rented apartment, no one wants to repaint the walls or re-wallpaper, but you can make it cozy for the holidays.
Igor Zur apartment decoration rented apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 2 December 2024Among the most interesting features of the celebrations in Minsk are a huge New Year tree and a real Venetian carousel.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News attraction Minsk 17 November 2024There may be several reasons for feeling unwell after the holidays.
Olga Kotova health mental health holidays and calendar rag Beauty and health 8 January 2024The festive table creates energy and an atmosphere to attract good luck and abundance.
Igor Zur New Year's table tips for housewives food products folk signs Useful tips 30 December 2023It is important to be positive and believe in the best, then life will definitely change for the better.
Sergey Tumanov New Year prohibitions Useful tips 27 December 2023Thanks to three simple secrets, you can avoid conflict with your husband during the New Year holidays.
Marina Michalap family relationships conflicts in the family men and women Love and Family 26 December 2023You need to approach the choice of a New Year's gift responsibly. Not every thing will do.
Olga Kotova New Year gifts present New Year Useful tips 26 December 2023You can slow down the process of intoxication with the help of simple tricks. As the doctor noted, you need to choose the right snack. For example, boiled potatoes are perfect.
Olga Kotova hangover health alcoholic drinks Alexander Myasnikov Beauty and health 26 December 2023