An ink stain on a shirt or jeans can ruin anyone's mood.
Elena Shimanovskaya spots a stain appeared cloth stain removal Useful tips 26 February 2025Use these ingredients not only in cooking, during house cleaning or in the garden, but also during washing.
Igor Zur house cleaning tips for housewives life hacks with vinegar baking soda Useful tips 26 February 2025Even a perfectly clean bathroom can be dangerous if you forget to wash your shower curtain.
Elena Shimanovskaya shower shower curtain shower curtain bathroom Useful tips 25 February 2025If there are few things in the "washing machine", one napkin will be enough. If there are many, you can throw in two or three.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news washing machine wet wipes life hacks Useful tips 23 February 2025Does your washing machine seem harmless? Think again.
Valeria Kisternaya washing machine household appliances Useful tips 21 February 2025Have you noticed that after washing, sometimes there are traces of powder or an unpleasant smell on your clothes? This may be due to the accumulation of detergent residues and scale in the washing machine.
Kurchev Anton washing machine foil cloth tips for housewives Useful tips 21 February 2025Five life hacks with foil that will help you out in an unexpected situation.
Igor Zur household tricks tips for housewives life hacks with foil useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 20 February 2025Life hacks with soda for everyone - will be appreciated by housewives, drivers and summer residents too.
Igor Zur kitchen life hacks life hacks about cleaning household tricks cleaning Useful tips 20 February 2025Has your child returned from a walk in shorts that look more like an abstract artist's canvas than children's clothing?
Elena Shimanovskaya grass spots life hacks with salt how to remove a stain Useful tips 20 February 2025Have you ever noticed that the most ordinary things in your home can become the key to solving problems you didn’t even know you had?
Elena Shimanovskaya machine wash washing machine tennis ball life hacks Useful tips 19 February 2025Many housewives are accustomed to measuring out washing powder “by eye”.
Elena Shimanovskaya washing machine washing powder detergent life hacks Useful tips 8 February 2025Good old vinegar. It is this that will ensure that our clothes look perfect when washed, removing all stains and other dirt.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news cloth washing machine vinegar Useful tips 8 February 2025Perhaps, any clothing begins to lose its rich color over time.
Elena Shimanovskaya soak cloth color life hacks Useful tips 7 February 2025In winter, our outerwear has a hard time: it is hit with all the force of snow and rain, wind, road dust and salt stains.
Elena Shimanovskaya machine wash winter clothes dry cleaning drying clothes Useful tips 4 February 2025Snow-white and, moreover, soft sheets that do not need ironing after washing are the dream of any housewife.
Elena Shimanovskaya sheet bed sheets whitening life hacks Useful tips 30 January 2025The consequences are serious damage to household property, especially if the door and handrails are wooden.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news towels doors danger Useful tips 29 January 2025Many people do not know the correct answer to the question of whether new clothes and linens should be washed before using them.
Elena Shimanovskaya cloth bed sheets skin harm to health Beauty and health 28 January 2025If you are not satisfied with the quality of washing, do not rush to buy aggressive chemicals.
Elena Shimanovskaya machine wash washing clothes washing things efficiency Useful tips 28 January 2025If your kitchen towels are not hanging on a hook for beauty, but are actively used to remove grease, food scraps and other dirt, the smell coming from them is probably not the most pleasant.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen towels wash kitchen towels life hacks unpleasant smell Useful tips 24 January 2025If the water is soft, add less detergent.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news things washing machine washing powder Useful tips 20 January 2025