Throwing away spoiled T-shirts with stains and scuffs? In vain. It turns out that ordinary soda and vinegar can wash out even old stains from wine or grass.
Every housewife has soda and vinegar in her kitchen, and even if she doesn’t, they cost next to nothing.
Use these ingredients not only in cooking, but also during house cleaning or in the garden.

Baking soda and vinegar are essential ingredients in the washing process. They soften the fabric, kill bacteria and remove unpleasant odors.
Simply add half a cup of baking soda to your detergent dispenser and a tablespoon of vinegar to your fabric softener, and your clothes will become softer, brighter, and last twice as long.
And yes, it is safe for children and allergy sufferers. The equipment will also say thank you: the scale will disappear, and the machine will stop smelling damp.
Baking soda acts as an abrasive and neutralizes acids in stains (such as coffee or berries).
Vinegar dissolves grease and limescale deposits. Together, they create a reaction that "pushes" dirt out of the fabric fibers.
For tough stains, apply a paste of baking soda and water to the stain, leave for an hour, then wash as usual.
And if you add a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil to your wash, your laundry will acquire a subtle aroma without chemical fragrances.
This is especially useful for children's clothing and bedding for people with asthma.