Salt is, without a doubt, a very necessary additive, but you shouldn’t abuse it.
Elena Shimanovskaya health nutrition proper nutrition harm of salt Beauty and health 21 January 2025Undersalted food is on the table, oversalted food is on your back, as the well-known saying goes.
Elena Shimanovskaya soup culinary life hacks oversalted soup save oversalted soup Cooking 17 January 2025Experts say that concentrated salt solutions have the same effect on animal skin as they do on shoe leather.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news pets roads problems Pets 8 January 2025Experts advise paying attention to additional protective measures for the saltiest areas of shoes.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news shoes divorces life hacks Useful tips 8 January 2025As for the amount of salt used, it depends on the load of the washing machine.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news washing machine washing cloth Useful tips 17 December 2024If you wash your floors every day, using household chemicals intended for this purpose, don’t be surprised that you still can’t save up for a vacation.
Elena Shimanovskaya washing floor washing life hacks life hacks with salt Useful tips 29 November 2024You can clean your entire kitchen, but when it comes to the oven, problems are bound to arise.
Elena Shimanovskaya oven oven life hacks Useful tips 28 November 2024Trout caviar is an exquisite delicacy that will be a wonderful addition to any festive table.
Elena Shimanovskaya caviar trout salting Cooking 22 November 2024We'll tell you how to make an effective air freshener from salt and vinegar.
Timur Khomichev vinegar life hacks with salt life hacks with vinegar salt in everyday life Useful tips 21 November 2024We'll tell you how to get rid of unpleasant odors in your home using salt.
Timur Khomichev smell in the apartment smell in the house air aromatization life hacks with salt Useful tips 20 November 2024Pour two glasses of salt into the toilet, add a liter of warm water. Wait a bit and press the flush.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news house toilet clogged toilet Useful tips 16 November 2024As for the amount of salt per kilo of minced meat, it is important to maintain the proportions, which also affects the taste.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news cooking cutlets stuffing Cooking 15 November 2024We tell you how much salt you need to add per kilogram of cabbage and per three-liter jar.
Timur Khomichev cabbage salting sauerkraut Cooking 9 November 2024Not all cooks, even those with extensive experience, know the intricacies of preparing jellied meat.
Elena Shimanovskaya aspic how to salt food Cooking 7 November 2024Tender, aromatic and moderately salty fish is not always available in the store, but it can be prepared at home.
Elena Shimanovskaya fish mackerel spices Cooking 30 October 2024We tell you how much salt should be added when pickling cabbage.
Timur Khomichev cabbage pickling cabbage sauerkraut making sauerkraut Cooking 25 October 2024Not everyone knows which types of salt are the rarest and most expensive.
Marina Michalap records food products Records and anti-records 18 October 2024Even an experienced housewife can have an incident while in the kitchen.
Elena Shimanovskaya eggs cleaning life hacks Useful tips 14 October 2024Few people know why some housewives salt their socks.
Marina Michalap socks tips for housewives warm Useful tips 13 October 2024If you are a cosmetologist or integrative neurologist who does not always follow the principles of evidence-based medicine, you have probably heard from them the advice to use magnesium salt while taking a bath.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom health Beauty and health 4 October 2024