Salt is not a friend, but a saboteur in your kitchen. Added it at the wrong time? The dish can no longer be saved.
Elena Shimanovskaya salt culinary tricks about cooking cooking Cooking 18 February 2025Not all cooks, even those with extensive experience, know the intricacies of preparing jellied meat.
Elena Shimanovskaya aspic salt Cooking 7 November 2024The fact is that heat treatment has a negative effect on sodium chloride.
Kurchev Anton cooking table salt mistakes Beauty and health 7 October 2024Unlike table salt, sea salt undergoes minimal processing.
Kurchev Anton table salt spices Beauty and health 18 September 2024Probably every gourmet wants to learn how to cook fried champignons so that the dish always comes out aromatic and ruddy.
Kurchev Anton mushrooms frying champignons water Cooking 28 May 2024Many viewers think that the cooks are just "showing off." In fact, this version of adding salt has a practical meaning.
Kurchev Anton cooking salt methods culinary tricks Cooking 24 April 2024