Just replace the water in any recipe with soda and see the difference.
Igor Zur cooking and food pizza tips for housewives dough Cooking 28 February 2025There is one secret ingredient hidden in your kitchen that can save even the most hopeless dessert.
Igor Zur delicious pastries Chef's Tips life hacks with vinegar shortcrust pastry Cooking 25 February 2025"The secret of Dodo Pizza dough is neither yeast nor flour," said the chain's technologist, Alexey Ivanov, in an interview with Forbes. It turns out, it's all about ordinary...mayonnaise!
Sergey Tumanov pizza pizza recipe cooking and recipes Cooking 16 February 2025Have you ever wondered why chefs in expensive restaurants cut onions without shedding a single tear?
Sergey Tumanov garlic food cooking Useful tips 15 February 2025Hot air from a hair dryer evaporates moisture from the surface, creating the illusion of a “crust,” but the meat remains raw inside.
Igor Zur Chef's Tips culinary mistakes fried meat cooking and food Cooking 14 February 2025If you forgot to buy a loaf of fresh bread at the store and only have a stale crust left at home, consider yourself lucky.
Elena Shimanovskaya bread culinary tricks bread storage food products Cooking 12 February 2025If you have ever boiled eggs, you have probably noticed that the shell of one or more of them treacherously cracks while they are in a pan of hot water.
Elena Shimanovskaya eggs boiled eggs boiling eggs how to boil eggs Cooking 26 January 2025For a crumbly side dish, choose a long-grain rice variety and add one ingredient during cooking.
Igor Zur cooking and food rice dishes tips for housewives rice side dish Cooking 22 January 2025Undersalted food is on the table, oversalted food is on your back, as the well-known saying goes.
Elena Shimanovskaya soup salt oversalted soup save oversalted soup Cooking 17 January 2025It is unlikely that anyone has had any difficulties while preparing boiled potatoes.
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes boiled potatoes boil potatoes deliciously how to cook potatoes Cooking 15 January 2025The cook told how to cook potatoes correctly.
Igor Zur cooking boiled potatoes Chef's Tips culinary mistakes Cooking 5 January 2025The cook told how to cook potatoes with onions, beer and spices.
Igor Zur boiling potatoes Chef's Tips cooking and food delicious recipes Cooking 2 January 2025The cook told how to bake cheesecakes with mashed potatoes - they turn out delicious and fluffy.
Igor Zur cooking and food how to make syrniki Chef's Tips mashed potatoes Cooking 1 January 2025A lazy pie with jam is even easier to bake than a mountain of pancakes or crepes - how to cook and what you need.
Igor Zur homemade baked goods pie recipe tips for housewives cooking and food Cooking 31 December 2024The test will help you find out how starchy your potatoes are.
Kurchev Anton potato starch Potato dishes board Cooking 11 December 2024Just microwave the fruit.
Kurchev Anton tangerines taste microwave oven tricks Cooking 10 December 2024Stop treating ordinary household chores as if they were difficult.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking culinary tricks life hacks cooking Cooking 9 December 2024Five interesting ways to improve the taste of boiled potatoes - from garlic and herbs to marinade and vinegar.
Igor Zur boiled potatoes what spices to put Chef's Tips cooking Cooking 9 December 2024Use 2-3 garlic cloves as an additive.
Kurchev Anton potatoes boiled potatoes supplements tricks Cooking 5 December 2024Champignons are popular in the kitchen, largely due to their taste, but also because these mushrooms are very healthy.
Elena Shimanovskaya champignons cleaning mushrooms Cooking 4 December 2024