Many housewives cook boiled potatoes at least once a week.
And this culinary habit continues for years.
For many people, the procedure has long become habitual.

Despite this, few people know the secret to getting perfect boiled potatoes.
It turns out you need to use one extra ingredient. And it's... garlic.
Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication Belnovosti, a chef and fourth-class baker, told us about a tasty life hack.
How and why to throw garlic into a pan when boiling potatoes
When boiling nightshade, throw 2-3 garlic cloves into boiling water.
It is desirable that the slices of the spicy vegetable be crushed beforehand.
In this case, the garlic will “give” the tubers more of a bright flavor.
A couple of minutes before the end of the side dish, carefully remove the garlic cloves from the pan with a spoon and throw them away: the additional ingredient has done its “work”, and it is not quite suitable for consumption.
Using garlic additive when preparing boiled potatoes is a guarantee of getting an incredibly appetizing and aromatic side dish: you and your family will really like it.