A dish that once captivated aristocrats has now become a symbol of kitchen laziness. The culprit is one ingredient that shouldn't even be in the recipe.
Kurchev Anton Olivier salad how to make olivier salad secrets of delicious olivier pickles Cooking 26 February 2025Potatoes are the main hero of the cuisine, but dishes containing them are often disappointing.
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes potato recipes Potato dishes dishes Cooking 25 February 2025It's all about the hidden sweetness of carrots.
Kurchev Anton borsch cooking borscht carrot tips for gourmets Cooking 25 February 2025Mushrooms must be washed, but whether to peel them or not depends on the circumstances.
Igor Zur cooking champignons cleaning tips for housewives mushrooms Useful tips 24 February 2025Housewives were told about three fatal mistakes when making pancakes and how to avoid them - your pancakes will become a legend.
Igor Zur cooking and food pancakes are tearing tips for housewives culinary tricks Cooking 20 February 2025How to turn a simple breakfast into a culinary triumph, and why your syrniki haven't yet become a hit at family breakfasts.
Igor Zur cooking and food delicious cheesecakes culinary secrets tips for housewives Cooking 20 February 2025Hot air from a hair dryer evaporates moisture from the surface, creating the illusion of a “crust,” but the meat remains raw inside.
Igor Zur culinary life hacks Chef's Tips fried meat cooking and food Cooking 14 February 2025Regular consumption of glutamate reduces the sensitivity of receptors - you stop feeling natural spices.
Igor Zur seasonings and spices Chef's Tips maintain health cooking and food Cooking 14 February 2025Professionals have revealed the five main culinary mistakes made in the kitchen.
Igor Zur cooking and food Chef's Tips culinary tricks frying oil Cooking 13 February 2025The chef named the mistakes that spoil the taste of baked vegetables - choose the right shape and temperature.
Igor Zur cooking potatoes in the oven Chef's Tips baking Cooking 7 February 2025Not every housewife can cook delicious borscht or mouth-watering cabbage soup, and experience, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying borscht frying frying onions and carrots delicious frying Cooking 27 January 2025A side dish in the form of mashed potatoes goes well with almost all dishes – fish, meat, vegetables, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya puree mashed potatoes mashed potatoes how to make mashed potatoes Cooking 24 January 2025Housewives are persuaded to stop draining the first water when cooking meat - advice from a chef.
Igor Zur tips for housewives cooking meat useful substances clear broth Cooking 22 January 2025Pancakes should be fluffy. Unfortunately, not all cooks succeed in making airy flour products.
Kurchev Anton pancakes fluffy pancakes how to cook pancakes kefir Cooking 22 January 2025Bay leaf is a great spice that improves the taste of many dishes. But for some dishes, bay leaf has an extremely negative effect.
Kurchev Anton bay leaf broth chicken soups Cooking 22 January 2025The porridge should not be stirred too early.
Kurchev Anton buckwheat crumbly buckwheat buckwheat porridge hot Cooking 21 January 2025It is difficult to imagine a festive feast without aspic on the table.
Elena Shimanovskaya aspic aspic recipe dish cooking aspic Cooking 19 January 2025Why is dumpling dough sometimes too tough?
Kurchev Anton dumplings cooking dumplings dumpling dough vinegar Cooking 17 January 2025The taste of the additive does not combine well with the aromas of other ingredients, and an extra sourness appears.
Kurchev Anton pilaf cooking pilaf tomato paste tomatoes Cooking 17 January 2025Pre-cutting negatively affects the consistency and taste of boiled potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potato food cutting boiling potatoes tips for gourmets Cooking 11 January 2025