Housewives are persuaded to stop draining the first water when cooking meat - advice from a chef.
Igor Zur tips for housewives culinary mistakes useful substances clear broth Cooking 22 January 2025The cook explained why you shouldn't drain the first water from the broth - there is no need for this if there are no health problems.
Igor Zur broth Chef's Tips culinary mistakes useful substances Cooking 21 December 2024Not all housewives know how to properly salt meat when cooking.
Marina Michalap culinary tricks Cooking 16 October 2024Many housewives believe that it makes no difference what kind of water you put chicken and other types of meat in, but this is not true.
Timur Khomichev chicken trick Cooking 17 May 2024It turns out that you can cook juicy meat - beef or poultry - with banana peel.
Igor Zur cooking culinary tricks banana peel tips for housewives Cooking 23 April 2024Whether boiled meat turns out juicy depends not only on the quality of the product, but also on the cooking technology.
Timur Khomichev meat meat dishes cooking meat Cooking 6 December 2023