Why you should drain water when cooking meat: a chef tells about a popular mistake

21.12.2024 12:21

When cooking meat broth, it is often recommended to bring the water to a boil, then drain it and cook the meat again in raw water.

The color of the broth supposedly depends on this trick - it should become transparent. And you can also get rid of harmful substances.

Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" Yulia Arkhipova - a cook, fourth-category baker told whether it is necessary to drain water when cooking meat.

What is the reason?

The most popular reason explaining this necessity is that it is possible to get rid of harmful substances that are found in meat.

Antibiotics and other veterinary drugs are also mentioned.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Bloggers also claim that the broth cooked in the “second” water will turn out clear, and the soup will be beautiful and golden.

How to do it right

In fact, by draining the water after the meat has boiled, the housewife will pour some of the nutrients down the drain.

Further cooking of the soup in new water will make the broth less rich and full-bodied.

As for the gray film, which many perceive as dirt and harmful substances, it is actually coagulated protein.

It does not cause any harm, although it may spoil the appearance.

To make a beautiful broth, you need to cook fresh and high-quality meat.

It needs to be placed in water after it boils, and you can also add a raw onion.


There is only one reason that explains the need to prepare broth in the “second” water.

The reason for this is not harmful substances or bad meat, but human diseases associated with disruption of the gallbladder, pancreas and stomach.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Julia Arkhipova Expert: Julia ArkhipovaExpert / Belnovosti

  1. What is the reason?
  2. How to do it right
  3. Conclusion