One method involves using lemon, the second - the freezer.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news vegetables garlic life hacks Cooking 16 January 2025Many amateur cooks chop carrots for pilaf incorrectly.
Kurchev Anton pilaf secrets of delicious pilaf carrot culinary secrets Cooking 15 January 2025Pre-cutting negatively affects the consistency and taste of boiled potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potato culinary mistakes boiling potatoes tips for gourmets Cooking 11 January 2025If the fruit, carefully cut for the holiday table, is still lying on a beautiful plate, do not rush to throw it in the trash can.
Elena Shimanovskaya fruits benefits of fruits smoothies festive table Cooking 3 January 2025It is necessary to take into account what kind of dish is being prepared.
Kurchev Anton potatoes vegetables the rules tips for gourmets Cooking 3 December 2024This packaging can act as a small "trash bin".
Kurchev Anton package garbage household tricks Useful tips 3 May 2024A wooden stick glued to the instrument helps a lot.
Kurchev Anton a knife life hacks with toothpicks tricks Useful tips 22 March 2024If you turn a tomato standing with its stem up into “plates”, the vegetable will most likely lose a lot of juice.
Kurchev Anton tomatoes culinary mistakes taste culinary tricks Cooking 30 January 2024Many housewives are looking for devices that allow them to cook faster.
Dmitry Liskovich food useful gadgets Useful tips 24 January 2024