We'll tell you what to add to the water when boiling potatoes so that they cook faster and turn out delicious.
Timur Khomichev potatoes boiled potatoes oil butter Cooking 5 February 2025Pre-cutting negatively affects the consistency and taste of boiled potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potato food cutting culinary mistakes tips for gourmets Cooking 11 January 2025The cook told how to cook potatoes with onions, beer and spices.
Igor Zur culinary life hacks Chef's Tips cooking and food delicious recipes Cooking 2 January 2025Boiling potatoes in their skins is a standard pre-New Year procedure. The fact is that potatoes are an ingredient in holiday salads, including the legendary Olivier.
Kurchev Anton potato jacket potatoes ice cubes culinary tricks Cooking 29 December 2024There is no need to remove this whitish mass: it is harmless and will not worsen the appearance of the side dish.
Kurchev Anton potatoes water the rules culinary secrets Cooking 23 December 2024Raw potatoes should be placed into already boiling water.
Kurchev Anton potato starch boil potatoes deliciously tips for gourmets Cooking 20 December 2024The water that the potatoes were soaked in must be salted in time.
Kurchev Anton potato table salt tasty potatoes tips for gourmets Cooking 12 December 2024Boiled potatoes are a simple dish to prepare. However, many gourmets still make serious mistakes when creating this standard side dish.
Kurchev Anton how to cook potatoes water table salt culinary mistakes Cooking 23 November 2024Many gourmets simply adore crumbly potatoes. This consistency suits the representative of the nightshade family very well!
Kurchev Anton potatoes water the rules tips for gourmets Cooking 19 November 2024Boiling potatoes, even if you don't peel them and cook them in their skins, takes quite a long time.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes trick jacket potatoes Cooking 17 November 2024Following this rule will ensure that the nightshade will practically not boil over.
Kurchev Anton potatoes table salt culinary secrets Cooking 19 October 2024Not everyone knows why sugar should be added when boiling potatoes.
Marina Michalap boiled potatoes culinary tricks Cooking 5 October 2024How to cook potatoes - with or without a lid? Many gourmets ask themselves this question.
Kurchev Anton potatoes how to cook potatoes pot culinary mistakes Cooking 9 August 2024Sugar must be added immediately after the water with potatoes boils.
Timur Khomichev potato potatoes sugar boiled potatoes Cooking 6 August 2024It is unlikely that any gourmet will like watery and overcooked potatoes. To avoid this culinary failure, the water should be slightly acidified.
Kurchev Anton cooking potatoes taste culinary tricks Cooking 23 July 2024The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved potatoes very much.
Kurchev Anton tasty potatoes frying potatoes dish taste Cooking 25 May 2024The cook told us what kind of water to boil potatoes in and how much salt to add.
Igor Zur cooking Chef's Tips kitchen cooking ideas Cooking 17 May 2024Potatoes should be put into boiling water. In this case, the dish will be more healthy and tasty.
Kurchev Anton potato boil potatoes deliciously water temperature Cooking 9 May 2024We tell you when to add salt when boiling potatoes.
Timur Khomichev potatoes boiled potatoes Cooking 26 April 2024Most people aren't even surprised when their potatoes start to overcook while cooking. How can you avoid this?
Sergey Tumanov problems cooking potatoes board culinary life hacks Cooking 19 April 2024