Want to cook crumbly and truly delicious rice? Then do one simple trick while cooking the cereal.
Kurchev Anton cooking rice cooking rice delicious rice culinary tricks Cooking 20 January 2025The taste of pea soup is quite interesting. But why not make the dish even more appetizing?
Kurchev Anton pea soup improve pea soup tomato paste processed cheese Cooking 15 January 2025Doctor Myasnikov allowed housewives to fry in butter - it is healthier than vegetable oil.
Igor Zur Alexander Myasnikov useful substances maintain health fat Beauty and health 25 December 2024A Roskachestvo expert said that neither spread nor butter can cause harm to health.
Igor Zur maintain health useful substances Roskachestvo dairy products Beauty and health 19 December 2024Pour chopped dill and parsley with oil and... freeze.
Kurchev Anton green dill parsley olive oil culinary tricks Cooking 19 December 2024Tired of store-bought ice cream? Then try making your own.
Kurchev Anton ice cream condensed milk milk delicious recipes Cooking 18 December 2024An egg fried in butter can be a very dangerous dish for your health.
Kurchev Anton fried eggs sunflower oil mistakes tips for gourmets Beauty and health 18 December 2024We tell you which butter is best to buy.
Timur Khomichev oil fat content of oil products selection of products Useful tips 17 December 2024Butter should be replaced with grated processed cheese.
Kurchev Anton sandwiches with caviar red caviar processed cheese boiled eggs Cooking 17 December 2024It turns out that the vast majority of people cook omelettes incorrectly.
Kurchev Anton an omelette cooking omelette tips for gourmets Cooking 5 December 2024Omelette has long acquired the status of one of the most popular breakfasts.
Kurchev Anton an omelette fluffy omelette glass lid culinary tricks Cooking 29 November 2024If you notice vegetable fats in the composition of butter, it is better to refuse to buy such a product.
Elena Shimanovskaya oil food products Beauty and health 22 November 2024Part of the product must be placed in a container with boiling water.
Kurchev Anton food products signs checking Useful tips 20 November 2024Butter should not be left at room temperature for long periods of time, experts warn.
Timur Khomichev storage oil food storage storage rules Useful tips 10 November 2024Perhaps no one will argue that our mothers and grandmothers, who had the chance to live in Soviet times, knew a real sense of saving.
Elena Shimanovskaya oil life hacks saving culinary tricks Cooking 6 November 2024It turns out that there is no clear correct answer to this question. After all, first we need to clarify one important point.
Kurchev Anton fried eggs delicious scrambled eggs vegetable oil Diets 1 November 2024Pelmeni are always delicious, and also quick and easy. But how about making the process of cooking the dish easier and raising its taste to a higher level?
Elena Shimanovskaya dumplings oil vegetable oil culinary life hacks Cooking 9 October 2024Combine finely chopped squid with a small amount of mayonnaise and place the resulting mixture in a blender bowl.
Kurchev Anton sandwiches with caviar red caviar squid taste Cooking 24 September 2024For cooking some dishes in a frying pan, it is recommended to use butter.
Elena Shimanovskaya oil hot Cooking 6 September 2024Scrambled eggs are a standard breakfast that many gourmets are accustomed to.
Kurchev Anton fried eggs vegetable oil Beauty and health 11 August 2024