Not everyone knows how to save oversalted soup.
Marina Michalap oversalted soup save oversalted soup culinary tricks Cooking 20 September 2024Not everyone knows how to cook the most delicious cabbage soup.
Marina Michalap cook cabbage soup delicious cabbage soup culinary tricks Cooking 1 September 2024Few people know the differences between the different types of cabbage soup.
Marina Michalap healthy soups types of soups culinary tricks Cooking 31 August 2024Not everyone knows how to save oversalted soup.
Marina Michalap oversalted soup save oversalted soup culinary tricks Cooking 18 August 2024We'll tell you a recipe for a simple Polish soup that can be prepared in half an hour.
Timur Khomichev soup soup recipe soup recipes soup recipes Cooking 2 July 2024Not everyone knows what culinary mistakes can make soup unhealthy.
Marina Michalap cooking unhealthy soups culinary mistakes Cooking 22 June 2024If you love soups and make them light, low-fat and moderately caloric, then you can eat these dishes every day.
Kurchev Anton pea soup mushroom soup diet board Beauty and health 6 June 2024Not everyone knows how much okroshka was prepared to set the record.
Marina Michalap culinary records Book of Records of Russia okroshka Records and anti-records 21 May 2024Many people have been accustomed since childhood to the idea that soup should be eaten regularly, since in this case some health problems can be avoided: stomach pain, gastritis, etc. But is this really true?
Olga Kotova benefits of soup Alexander Myasnikov gastritis Diets 26 March 2024Not everyone knows about the tricks that can be used to improve the quality of soup.
Marina Michalap cooking cooking soup culinary tricks Cooking 15 March 2024Which soups can be called the healthiest - a list of first courses for every day.
Igor Zur proper nutrition healthy diet cholesterol chicken soup Diets 10 March 2024Not everyone knows how to cook soup properly so that it retains its nutritional properties.
Marina Michalap benefits of soup make healthy soup culinary tricks proper nutrition Cooking 7 March 2024Many people have been accustomed since childhood to the fact that soup should always be in the diet because it is a dietary and healthy dish that has a good effect on digestion. But this is not entirely true.
Olga Kotova pea soup harmful products dishes food Diets 7 February 2024Not everyone knows which soups are the most delicious in the world.
Marina Michalap the most delicious soups first course facts about soup cooking and recipes Records and anti-records 1 February 2024Having prepared cabbage soup, borscht or just broth, a gourmet will certainly want to eat a dish with a soft, aromatic and warm flour product.
Kurchev Anton flatbreads flour products making flatbreads delicious recipes Cooking 29 January 2024We tell you how to properly store and reheat soup.
Timur Khomichev soup warming up heating up soup eating soup Diets 15 January 2024