Many soup lovers ask themselves: “Is it possible to eat this dish every day?”
There is a simple answer to this question: “Yes, you can.”
But there are some caveats. Firstly, daily consumption of soup is not at all a mandatory action.

Secondly, not all liquid dishes are suitable for such frequent consumption.
Can you eat soup every day?
If you love soups and make them light, low-fat, moderately caloric and not too heavy for the stomach and intestines, then you can eat these dishes every day.
Moreover, such a culinary habit will only benefit your body.
However, if you are not a huge fan of soups and eat them rather to diversify your diet and improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, then two or three such meals a week are enough.
What soups can't you eat every day?
We are talking about soups that are high in calories, high in fat, and contain a lot of salt.
"Heavy" soups are clearly not suitable for daily consumption. First of all, we are talking about pea and mushroom soups.
A bad choice would be soup with a bouillon cube. Soups in packets are also not the best option.
Earlier, experts explained why potato pancakes are considered a harmful dish.