Some foods that seem harmless can be harmful to your health day after day.
Igor Zur healthy eating harmful substances maintain health harm of sugar Diets 18 February 2025Nutritionist Tatyana Meshcheryakova explains how to normalize cholesterol levels.
Timur Khomichev lower cholesterol high cholesterol proper nutrition water consumption Diets 2 February 2025Cholesterol is necessary for the production of hormones, vitamin D and the synthesis of cell membranes. However, elevated cholesterol levels can lead to serious heart and vascular diseases.
Sergey Tumanov high cholesterol health nutrition food products Beauty and health 6 January 2025Russian rehabilitation physician and TV presenter Sergei Agapkin named a product that reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.
Timur Khomichev cottage cheese benefits of cottage cheese lower cholesterol healthy products Beauty and health 11 December 2024According to nutrition experts, the harm comes not from the food itself, but from unhealthy eating.
Igor Zur chicken eggs elderly people healthy eating diet Beauty and health 6 December 2024What health problems does refined vegetable oil cause?
Igor Zur vegetable oil maintain health skin health Beauty and health 20 November 2024High cholesterol levels pose a serious threat to cardiovascular health.
Sergey Tumanov food products diet lower cholesterol health Diets 27 October 2024Not everyone knows how to eat properly when you have high cholesterol.
Marina Michalap lower cholesterol Dietitian's advice Diets 14 October 2024Why do yellowish-waxy spots and "senile arc" form around the cornea - what tests to take and what are the consequences.
Igor Zur medical advice medical examination heart health cardiovascular system Beauty and health 2 October 2024How to choose high-quality bottled sunflower oil - this question interests many.
Igor Zur food products Tips for buyers Useful tips 16 September 2024In 2013, the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science conducted a study. People suffering from high blood pressure took part in it.
Elena Shimanovskaya lower cholesterol high cholesterol study lemon Beauty and health 12 September 2024The doctor named not only sausages and smoked meats, but also store-bought baked goods, sauces and snack bars as foods that are harmful to blood vessels and the heart.
Igor Zur proper nutrition food products excess weight Diets 2 September 2024Not everyone knows which drinks can help lower cholesterol levels.
Marina Michalap lower cholesterol improve heart health healthy drinks Beauty and health 24 August 2024Not everyone knows which foods contain the highest amount of cholesterol.
Marina Michalap high cholesterol junk food anti-record Records and anti-records 25 July 2024Not everyone knows how to lower cholesterol levels without medication.
Marina Michalap lower cholesterol proper nutrition Dietitian's advice Diets 3 June 2024Not everyone knows how to take control of cholesterol levels.
Marina Michalap lower cholesterol proper nutrition Beauty and health 5 May 2024Nutrition experts have concluded that the Mediterranean diet has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and have shared a list of foods necessary for it.
Elena Shimanovskaya Mediterranean diet food products health cardiovascular system Beauty and health 26 April 2024High cholesterol is a problem that people of all ages face.
Valeria Kisternaya products board Beauty and health 22 April 2024American scientists have concluded that chicken eggs are good for heart health and should not be excluded from the diet.
Igor Zur proper nutrition chicken eggs research by scientists heart health Diets 15 April 2024Chinese scientists have named foods that you shouldn’t give up even when on a diet.
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