It turns out that you can strengthen your immune system and improve brain function with the help of green tea.
Igor Zur green tea brain health strengthen the immune system useful substances Diets 10 January 2025The doctor explained what impact energy drinks have on human health in general and the male body in particular.
Igor Zur Advice for men medical advice harmful drinks cardiovascular system Beauty and health 11 December 2024Scientists have proven that sweet drinks are the most harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels.
Igor Zur research by scientists harm of sugar harmful drinks cardiovascular system Diets 10 December 2024Therapist Hilary Jones has named the most harmful habit for heart health.
Timur Khomichev heart smoking heart problems improve heart health Beauty and health 6 December 2024"Herring under a fur coat", despite the presence of vegetables, is dangerous for heart patients.
Igor Zur New Year's salads Dietitian's advice lower cholesterol fat Diets 2 December 2024The doctor explained in which cases nutmeg can be harmful to health.
Igor Zur contraindications medical advice medicinal preparations Beauty and health 25 November 2024The main advantage of river fish is that it is sold fresh and often even alive.
Igor Zur benefits of fish vitamins healthy eating maintain health Diets 23 November 2024A gastroenterologist explained how pumpkin is good for your health.
Igor Zur medical advice vitamins in plants strengthen the immune system Beauty and health 11 November 2024We'll tell you about a simple test for which you only need a bowl of water.
Timur Khomichev heart test heart problems cardiovascular system Beauty and health 27 October 2024Not everyone knows which foods are good for the cardiovascular system.
Marina Michalap heart improve heart health Beauty and health 17 October 202450 grams of cranberries per day are enough to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins C, K, as well as potassium and manganese.
Igor Zur cranberry vitamins in plants useful substances medical advice Beauty and health 11 October 2024We all love sweets, but sometimes it’s worth thinking about how good they are for our health.
Elena Shimanovskaya heart food products healthy snack Beauty and health 3 October 2024Why do yellowish-waxy spots and "senile arc" form around the cornea - what tests to take and what are the consequences.
Igor Zur cholesterol medical advice medical examination cardiovascular system Beauty and health 2 October 2024Experts have explained how chronic hypotensive patients can keep their blood vessels in good shape.
Igor Zur pressure brain health diet physical activity Beauty and health 30 September 2024Pumpkin seeds will help you make your diet healthy and extend your life.
Igor Zur vitamins in plants lower cholesterol disease prevention Beauty and health 29 September 2024A nutritionist explained what foods a person’s diet should include to protect the health of the heart and blood vessels.
Igor Zur medical advice diet lower cholesterol food products Beauty and health 27 September 2024Some symptoms should not be ignored as they may indicate heart problems.
Marina Michalap heart heart disease heart problems Beauty and health 26 September 2024The doctor explained which foods and drinks are contraindicated for heart disease.
Igor Zur harmful products diet medical advice disease prevention Diets 25 September 2024A nutritionist has named sweets that are beneficial for the elderly - they strengthen the heart.
Igor Zur elderly people healthy sweets healthy diet Dietitian's advice Beauty and health 18 September 2024Five habits that have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system have been named.
Igor Zur bad habits medical advice smoking harmful products Beauty and health 12 September 2024