The heart can age faster than its passport age, and it is not the years that are to blame, but the contents of the plate.
Elena Shimanovskaya health heart heart health improve heart health Beauty and health 24 February 2025Therapist Hilary Jones has named the most harmful habit for heart health.
Timur Khomichev heart heart health smoking improve heart health Beauty and health 6 December 2024We'll tell you about a simple test for which you only need a bowl of water.
Timur Khomichev heart heart health test cardiovascular system Beauty and health 27 October 2024Some symptoms should not be ignored as they may indicate heart problems.
Marina Michalap heart heart health heart disease Beauty and health 26 September 2024Not everyone knows what signs can warn of problems with the cardiovascular system.
Marina Michalap cardiovascular system heart health heart disease Beauty and health 20 May 2024Cardiovascular disease has subtle symptoms that many of us may not notice.
Dmitry Liskovich fatigue overwork heart disease Beauty and health 3 February 2024