Salt is, without a doubt, a very necessary additive, but you shouldn’t abuse it.
Elena Shimanovskaya salt health nutrition proper nutrition Beauty and health 21 January 2025After age 45, when metabolism slows down, the body becomes more sensitive to excess sugar and other products.
Igor Zur healthy eating age harmful products harm of sugar Diets 30 December 2024A urologist has listed foods that are killing men's health.
Igor Zur harmful products diet Diets 20 November 2024A nutritionist has named the amount of red caviar that can be eaten per day - it contains a lot of salt and calories.
Igor Zur red caviar Dietitian's advice healthy eating Diets 13 November 2024The doctor explained why you can’t eat herring every day and whether there is a healthy alternative.
Igor Zur doctor's advice maintain health diet Beauty and health 12 October 2024Western nutritionists have named instant soup as the most harmful to health.
Igor Zur proper nutrition maintain health the most harmful food Dietitian's advice Diets 23 August 2024Doctors have warned that giving up sugar does not guarantee liver health.
Igor Zur maintain health harm of meat giving up sugar medical advice Beauty and health 20 August 2024Cardiologist named chips the most dangerous product for the heart and blood vessels - leader of the anti-rating.
Igor Zur junk food heart health anti-record danger Records and anti-records 26 June 2024Why you shouldn't eat canned fish often and with what vegetables and cereals they become harmful.
Igor Zur healthy eating canned fish medical advice healthy diet Beauty and health 26 April 2024The average daily salt intake, according to WHO, is 5 grams.
Elena Shimanovskaya salt food products Diets 16 April 2024There is an opinion that the craving for fatty, salty and sweet foods in humans is formed by instincts.
Igor Zur proper nutrition harm of sugar fatty foods healthy eating Diets 27 February 2024