Gone are the days when every cup you drank could earn you a scolding from your cardiologist.
It has been proven and repeatedly verified that moderate coffee consumption has a positive effect on the heart and brain. And all this happens against the backdrop of an abundance of other products that are much more dangerous to health.
Scientists have named the most dangerous product for the health of the heart and blood vessels, which people start consuming in childhood.
According to cardiologist and founder of Step One Foods Elizabeth Klodas, the only thing more harmful to the heart than chips is pure fat and salt.
The expert admits that she does not eat chips under any circumstances, because such a snack is not just harmful, but downright dangerous for heart health.
The fact is that in addition to artificial flavors, chips contain a lot of salt and fat.
And all this against the background of an almost complete absence of fiber and any useful substances.
If you eat chips every day for a year, your body will consume about ¾ cup of salt.
This will certainly affect blood pressure. Along with this, cholesterol and blood sugar levels will increase.
All this negatively affects the condition of blood vessels not only in the long term.
Changes can be felt within a few hours of eating the chips.
Earlier we told you which man has the biggest mouth .