As we age, our bodies change, and what used to go unnoticed can begin to affect our well-being and health.
Nutrition after 45 requires special attention, and some foods should be limited or completely excluded from the diet.
Trans fats and their dangers
Trans fats, often found in fast food, baked goods, and margarine, can raise levels of “bad” cholesterol and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

After age 45, when the risk of these diseases increases, it is especially important to carefully monitor the composition of foods and avoid trans fats.
Excess sugar and its consequences
Excessive consumption of sugar, found in sweets, carbonated drinks, and juices, can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.
After age 45, when metabolism slows down, the body becomes more sensitive to excess sugar.
Fast food and semi-finished products
Fast food, semi-finished products, snacks, chips, croutons contain a lot of harmful fats, salt, sugar and few useful substances.
Frequent consumption of such foods can negatively affect digestion, lead to excess weight and other problems.
After 45 years, the body becomes less resistant to such stress.
Sausages and smoked meats
Sausages, hot dogs, and smoked meats contain a lot of salt, fat, and preservatives.
Their frequent use can negatively affect the cardiovascular system and cause fluid retention in the body. After 45 years, it is better to give preference to natural meat.
Excess salt
Excess salt can lead to high blood pressure and fluid retention. After age 45, when the risk of hypertension increases, you should try to reduce your salt intake.
Sweet carbonated drinks
Sweet fizzy drinks contain a lot of sugar and empty calories. They do not bring any benefit to the body and can lead to weight gain and other problems. After 45 years, it is better to refuse their consumption.
Mayonnaise and fatty sauces
Mayonnaise, fatty sauces, contain a lot of fat and calories. Their use in large quantities can lead to excess weight gain and increased cholesterol levels. After 45, you should prefer lighter salad dressings.
Fried dishes
Fried foods contain a lot of fat and carcinogens. Their frequent consumption can negatively affect digestion and general health. After 45 years, it is better to prefer boiled, stewed and baked dishes.
Limit caffeine
Excess caffeine can cause nervousness, insomnia and heart problems. After 45, you should limit your consumption of coffee, strong tea and energy drinks.