Men given compelling reason to change their diet

20.11.2024 14:50

Not everyone will agree to give up not the most healthy, but tasty snacks. This happens exactly until you have to seek help from doctors.

This rule applies to everyone, but this article will focus on men who rarely watch what they eat.

Urologist, andrologist, and surgeon Ilnur Agliullin spoke about which products are killing men's health.

Mustache Man
Photo: © Belnovosti

Harmful diet

1. The doctor draws attention to the excess of salt in the man's diet. It promotes the formation of blood clots, increases blood pressure, and reduces the level of the hormone testosterone.

2. Next on the list is beer, which contains the female hormone estrogen. Beer reduces sexual desire and opens the way to the accumulation of visceral fat.

3. Sugar and products containing it also reduce testosterone levels and are converted into fat deposits on the sides.

4. The next point is fat and foods high in cholesterol.

5. Caffeine in large doses poses a threat to the male hormone.

6. Soy contains phytoestrogens and also reduces testosterone levels.

7. You should also take a closer look at white bread, as well as any baked goods.

8. Smoked products and chips close the list. The latter contain a flavor enhancer, which causes addiction, and with frequent use - nervous system disorders and erectile dysfunction.

For reference

A diet or ration is a set of rules for human food consumption, which is characterized by the chemical composition, physical properties, processing of products, time and intervals of intake.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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