Latest news for February 27, 2024


We'll tell you how to extend the life of a bouquet using an inexpensive product that can be found in every home.

Timur Khomichev flowers fresh flowers bouquet bouquet of flowers fresh bouquet Garden and Vegetable Garden

Liver cutlets can be a great solution if you want to please your family with a more original dish. This treat is best served with vegetables and your favorite sauce.

Olga Kotova delicious cutlets how to cook cutlets cutlets preparation liver Cooking

Experts note that there are breeds that are easier and faster to learn, better socialized and perform commands well. These breeds are considered to be more intelligent.

Olga Kotova cats cats pets and animals breed pets Records and anti-records

Little things in the bedroom that go unnoticed, but continue to have a negative impact on the quality of sleep.

Igor Zur bedroom bedroom interior healthy sleep Designer's tips decor Design and interior

If the interior of the apartment seems too boring and gray, then the best solution to the problem is color accents. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with color, so that the rooms are comfortable to be in.

Olga Kotova apartment interior design accent in the interior repair board Design and interior
Summer house, vegetable garden

Every gardener knows that in order to get a quality harvest, certain rules must be followed. One of the main ones is the crop rotation rule, which consists of alternating crops in the beds.

Olga Kotova plants vegetables growing vegetables garden and vegetable garden, dacha the all-rounder Garden and Vegetable Garden

Dog owners were told what to do if their pet suddenly decided to share food with its owner.

Igor Zur dog behavior feeding dogs Tips for dog owners pets fodder Pets

If you want to improve the interior, but you don’t have the strength to do repairs, then don’t despair. There is a way out.

Olga Kotova accent in the interior design apartment cozy apartment Interior Design and interior

Don't think that only humans are susceptible to this condition. Pets can also suffer from stress.

Olga Kotova cats There are cats living in the apartment stress in a cat stress pets Pets

Everyone knows the recipe for this simple and popular dish. But not everyone can boast that the cutlets turn out delicious.

Olga Kotova how to cook cutlets cutlets cooking cutlets cooking hot Cooking
Young woman

At the end of winter and the beginning of spring, many may face spring depression. In this condition, a person may experience apathy, rapid fatigue, irritability, and his mood may be depressed.

Olga Kotova rag health spring doctor's advice useful tips and life hacks People and Events