Kranti Kumar Panicker from India has managed to set one of the most unusual world records.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records stuntman achievements Records and anti-records 21 January 2025In 2021, a book by Indian N. Srinivasan was published. The publication (or rather, its title) turned out to be quite unusual.
Kurchev Anton a book Name Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 15 January 2025The family of Zion Chan from India is recognized as the largest in the world - it has 181 members.
Igor Zur interesting records large families Guinness Book of Records women Records and anti-records 17 December 2024There is a rather unusual family living in Delhi, which consists of ten people and all of them are albinos.
Igor Zur interesting records Guinness Book of Records albino world records Records and anti-records 16 December 2024Guinness Rishi, 74, had his teeth removed to set a world record by holding 496 drinking straws in his mouth.
Igor Zur interesting records world record teeth Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 10 December 2024The crowd consisted of 300 thousand people.
Kurchev Anton movie movie interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 4 December 2024The musical marathon lasted... several hundred hours.
Kurchev Anton concert Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 28 November 2024Shashanka Sekhar Dash has collected more than 4500 newspapers of different titles.
Kurchev Anton newspaper collection Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 3 November 2024The Guinness Book of Records mentions not only serious, but also rather funny achievements.
Kurchev Anton handle interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 4 October 2024An Indian man has grown 25-centimeter-long ear hair and set a world record.
Igor Zur interesting records Guinness Book of Records long hair world record Records and anti-records 25 September 2024Joe Biden, Anthony Albanese, Narendra Modi and Fumio Kishida called for peace in Ukraine but did not mention Russia.
Kurchev Anton Ukraine conflict in Ukraine United States of America Australia Japan In the world 22 September 2024An Indian man has been growing a moustache for 32 years - now it is 4.5 meters long.
Igor Zur interesting records Guinness Book of Records man Records and anti-records 17 September 2024Devendra Sutar from India is known as the man with the most fingers - he has 28.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 10 September 2024The man did not close his eyes... for a little over an hour and a half.
Kurchev Anton eyes man meditation interesting records Records and anti-records 27 August 2024What happens if you don't trim your moustache for decades? Ram Singh Chauhan, a resident of India, decided to find out.
Kurchev Anton hair man Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 25 July 2024At the time of the last measurement, the total length of the fingernails on the man's left hand was... 909 centimeters.
Kurchev Anton man nails interesting records Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 13 July 2024A ticket on the Maharaja Express costs over 45 thousand dollars - why so much money?
Igor Zur journey railway interesting records trips India News Records and anti-records 30 June 2024Indian actress Manorama has entered the Guinness Book of Records.
Kurchev Anton an actress achievements interesting facts Guinness Book of Records India News Records and anti-records 26 June 2024Singer Asha Bhosle is extremely popular in India. The artist is known even outside this country.
Kurchev Anton singer songs interesting records Guinness Book of Records India News Records and anti-records 11 June 2024The male turtle Advaita lived at least 150 years. But it is possible that the animal's lifespan was... 250 years!
Kurchev Anton Seychelles turtle interesting records India News Seychelles News Records and anti-records 10 June 2024