Imagine your nails becoming a weapon, a tool, or even a work of art.
Now multiply that by 10 years of persistently refusing to use scissors.
An Indian citizen named Shidar Chidal has been ignoring nail salons for years, and the results will leave you speechless.

His nails had become spiral-shaped "claws" that made it difficult to sleep, eat, and even breathe.
But the ending of this story is not about pain or despair - it is about how an ordinary person challenged his own body and won.
Shidar began his experiment in 2009, inspired by an old Guinness World Record.
The first months were hell: his nails caught on his clothes, broke at the slightest movement, and those around him laughed at his “ugliness”.
But by 2019, they had reached a length of 2 meters, curling into bizarre curls.
Doctors warned: blood circulation is at risk, infections are inevitable. However, instead of tragedy, something incredible happened.
In 2023, Shidar didn't just cut his nails - he donated them to the Museum of Anomalies in Mumbai.
Now his “creation” lies next to a two-headed snake and the skeleton of a giant.
But the main thing is that the man admitted that over the years he has grown not only his nails, but also an iron willpower.
"I have proven that a person can control even what seems absurd," he said in an interview.