Florida resident Ramiro Alanis has become the world record holder.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records movie cinema Records and anti-records 18 January 2025IMDb, the largest portal about the film industry, has presented a list of the ten most famous stars of 2024.
Elena Shimanovskaya rating an actress stars show business Show business 4 December 2024The crowd consisted of 300 thousand people.
Kurchev Anton India movie interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 4 December 2024The white dress that Monroe wears in a popular scene in The Seven Year Itch has become the most expensive piece of film footage.
Igor Zur Marilyn Monroe interesting facts interesting records Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 11 September 2024More than 10 years ago, the premiere of the film "Logistics" took place in Stockholm. The screening began on December 1, 2012, and ended... already in 2013.
Kurchev Anton movie Sweden interesting records Records and anti-records 26 August 2024When the heroes of the film are faced with an obstacle in the form of a locked door, one of them usually says to the other: "Move away," and then shoots the lock, and the way opens.
Sergey Tumanov weapon the facts interesting facts movies People and Events 22 May 2024The longest-running TV series in the world is not Santa Barbara, but Guiding Light - it was shown for more than half a century.
Igor Zur TV series Guinness Book of Records spectators TV Records and anti-records 26 February 2024Lev Zulkarnaev, known by his stage name "Winter", became one of the most discussed actors thanks to his role in the TV series "The Word of the Boy".
Sergey Tumanov movies an actor biography People and Events 19 December 2023Some stereotypes about women imposed by cinema give a wrong idea of reality.
Marina Michalap women psychology relationship the facts Love and Family 30 October 2023Certain stereotypes we pick up from movies can have a negative impact on our real-life relationships.
Marina Michalap Love relationship psychology board Love and Family 26 October 2023