The housewives were told how to cook real sbiten for Maslenitsa.
Igor Zur cooking ideas traditional food tips for housewives Cooking 14 March 2024The doctor told how many pancakes you can eat per day and which recipe is best to use for skin diseases.
Igor Zur pancakes without flour proper nutrition diseases harmful products Beauty and health 13 March 2024You need to focus on your feeling of satiety and the individual characteristics of your body, but it’s better not to eat more than 2-3 pancakes a day.
Olga Kotova pancakes pancakes harmful products keep in shape Diets 7 March 2024Not everyone knows how to prepare original and delicious fillings for pancakes.
Marina Michalap delicious pancakes pancake filling filling recipe Cooking 29 February 2024Housewives were reminded about what dishes to prepare for each day of Maslenitsa week.
Igor Zur making pancakes traditional food holidays and calendar cooking ideas Cooking 28 February 2024How to make delicious pancakes that will be gobbled up without any filling - we prepare dough with cottage cheese.
Igor Zur making pancakes recipes with cottage cheese cooking ideas tips for housewives Cooking 27 February 2024Maslenitsa is just around the corner, so it’s time to prepare for the upcoming holiday and look for the perfect recipe for the main Maslenitsa dish – pancakes.
Elena Shimanovskaya pancakes thin pancakes recipe how to make pancakes Cooking 27 February 2024How to cook boyar pancakes - forgotten recipes of Russian cuisine.
Igor Zur kitchen pancakes recipes preparation Cooking 24 February 2023The recipe for royal pancakes for Maslenitsa is a pleasure to prepare.
Igor Zur recipes preparation kitchen products Cooking 23 February 2023Recipe for pancakes for Maslenitsa using yeast dough.
Igor Zur kitchen recipes pancakes preparation Cooking 14 February 2023The lacy pancakes turn out even better if you don’t add milk to the dough.
Dmitry Bobrovich pancakes cooking and recipes Cooking 8 February 2023