Mushrooms can cause poisoning and allergies in dogs.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners mistakes board canine mushrooms Pets 21 January 2025Experts have explained in which cases vegetables in a dog’s diet may be unnecessary.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners vegetables for dogs mistakes healthy diet Pets 27 November 2024A dog trainer explained whether it is necessary to adjust a dog’s diet due to the heat and how to do it correctly.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners about dogs Pets 12 August 2024Four reasons why a dog is in a bad mood.
Igor Zur mood Tips for dog owners dog walking Pets 27 May 2024It won't be difficult to train a disciplined dog to use its own bowl.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog behavior useful tips and life hacks tricks Pets 29 April 2024What should an owner do if a dog growls at him while eating - good advice.
Igor Zur dog behavior mistakes Tips for dog owners facts about dogs Pets 18 March 2024Dog owners were told what to do if their pet suddenly decided to share food with its owner.
Igor Zur dog behavior Tips for dog owners pets fodder Pets 27 February 2024One single mistake like this is enough for unpleasant consequences to make themselves known.
Kurchev Anton food mistakes dog behavior Tips for dog owners Pets 9 February 2024Cynologists have explained what will help to wean a dog from picking up food on the street and what is the reason for this behavior.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners board canine dog walking dog training Pets 7 February 2024If a dog does not finish the food in its bowl, the pet's owner may become concerned.
Kurchev Anton mistakes food dog behavior Tips for dog owners Pets 2 February 2024Every dog owner knows that proper nutrition is the key to the health and activity of his pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets and animals fodder life hacks Pets 25 January 2024What cereals can be used to prepare porridge for a dog - there are only 3, it’s not difficult to remember.
Igor Zur can dogs cereals dog health buckwheat porridge Pets 17 January 2024A dog trainer explained in which cases extra weight in winter will benefit a dog.
Igor Zur about dogs winter excess weight board canine Pets 12 January 2024A dog trainer explained why it is better not to overfeed dogs in winter.
Igor Zur facts about dogs winter walking dogs in winter board canine Pets 12 January 2024A family can easily get a dog used to a person whom for some reason it considers “scary.”
Kurchev Anton dogs dog behavior fear tricks Pets 8 January 2024Experts advise paying attention to the water content when choosing dry food for cats and dogs.
Igor Zur cat food useful tips and life hacks choice of food water Pets 5 January 2024Five common foods that can cause severe poisoning in dogs.
Igor Zur dogs about dogs facts about dogs mistakes Pets 7 December 2023What circumstances can make a dog refuse to eat - character has nothing to do with it.
Igor Zur dog facts about dogs about dogs board Pets 5 December 2023Puppies have special nutritional needs because they are in a growth stage during which teeth, bones and muscles are formed.
Dmitry Liskovich dog fodder puppy choice of food Pets 1 December 2023