A stylish bedroom does not require a lot of investment - you can easily limit yourself to a couple of design techniques.
Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom bedroom design bedroom decoration improve bedroom interior Design and interior 21 February 2025It has been shown that electronic devices with blue light suppress melatonin production by 23%.
Igor Zur comfort board interior design life hacks Design and interior 13 February 2025The designer told how not to make a mistake when choosing wallpaper for the bedroom - pay attention to the color and pattern.
Igor Zur Designer's tips how to choose wallpaper interior decor color selection Design and interior 2 February 2025Do you want to transform an ordinary bedroom into the most comfortable, cozy and stylish room in one fell swoop? It is quite possible!
Kurchev Anton bedroom chandelier vintage style Designer's tips Design and interior 19 December 2024The designer named three mistakes in the bedroom interior that prevent you from falling asleep.
Igor Zur Designer's tips healthy sleep mistakes in interior color in the interior Design and interior 18 December 2024The most common mistakes in bedroom design should be avoided.
Marina Michalap improve bedroom interior bedroom Designer's tips Design and interior 30 October 2024Not everyone knows what types of bedroom wall decor are fashionable today.
Marina Michalap Designer's tips Design and interior 27 September 2024The most noticeable detail of the bedroom interior is the headboard.
Kurchev Anton bedroom improve bedroom interior bed headboard Design and interior 20 September 2024Not everyone knows how to effectively decorate a bedroom.
Marina Michalap bedroom design Designer's tips Design and interior 13 September 2024To update and improve the appearance of the bedroom, it is enough to replace just one interior element.
Kurchev Anton bedroom cozy bedroom bedside table Designer's tips Design and interior 7 September 2024Some tricks help make your bedroom space as cozy as possible.
Marina Michalap small bedroom improve bedroom interior Designer's tips Design and interior 24 August 2024With the help of some simple tricks you can improve the interior of your bedroom.
Marina Michalap bedroom improve bedroom interior Designer's tips Design and interior 11 August 2024An unmade bed spoils the appearance of a bedroom much more than any other unfortunate interior detail.
Kurchev Anton bedroom bed bedding Designer's tips improve bedroom interior Design and interior 12 July 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why it is unpleasant to rest in the bedroom.
Marina Michalap bedroom bedroom design Designer's tips Design and interior 12 June 2024Not everyone knows what mistakes prevent a bedroom from being comfortable.
Marina Michalap cozy bedroom bedroom design Designer's tips Design and interior 14 April 2024Experts have named bedroom interior items that will never go out of fashion.
Igor Zur Designer's tips furniture fashion apartment decoration Design and interior 4 April 2024Not everyone knows why it is worth choosing white bed linen for the bedroom.
Marina Michalap bed sheets Designer's tips Design and interior 1 April 2024Today we'll talk about the most important place for rest and recovery after a long day - the bedroom.
Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom bedroom design Designer's tips comfort Design and interior 27 March 2024Modern interior design fashion, compared to what it was before, is not so categorical - this means that you can use any colors to decorate your home.
Elena Shimanovskaya bedroom bedroom design Designer's tips Design and interior 14 March 2024Not everyone knows what simple tricks can make a bedroom more comfortable.
Marina Michalap cozy bedroom bedroom Designer's tips Design and interior 7 March 2024