A balcony in a Khrushchev-era building usually becomes a storage area for bicycles and old suitcases.
Valeria Kisternaya a balcony board Useful tips 26 February 2025You probably know the saying “My home is my castle.”
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort in the apartment creating coziness decor Designer's tips Design and interior 31 January 2025Many people are afraid to use red color in the interior. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton interior design red safety Designer's tips Design and interior 15 January 2025Probably, each of us sometimes wants to change the usual environment of our home, but it is not always possible to invest in serious redevelopment or repairs.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort in the apartment creating coziness Designer's tips interior items Design and interior 13 January 2025Using plants in the interior is an absolutely correct design move.
Kurchev Anton indoor plants in the interior ficus spathiphyllum Designer's tips Design and interior 6 January 2025Residents of rented apartments do not always feel cozy and comfortable in them.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment rented apartment housing Designer's tips Design and interior 3 January 2025These errors can be corrected – easily and fairly quickly. The main thing is to know what and how.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news house housing mistakes Design and interior 30 December 2024Probably every housewife has at least once tried to make her home a little more comfortable.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort in the apartment creating coziness design errors Designer's tips Design and interior 3 December 2024It would be unreasonable to expect to solve all design problems in one evening.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort in the apartment creating coziness comfort Designer's tips Design and interior 20 November 2024You can always make your living room more comfortable if you know a few tricks.
Marina Michalap comfort in the apartment creating coziness living room Designer's tips Design and interior 3 November 2024When it gets colder outside every day, the desire to make your home cozy only increases.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort in the apartment creating coziness how to make a room cozy Designer's tips Design and interior 2 November 2024It’s unlikely that living together in a one-room apartment with a bunch of relatives can be called someone’s dream.
Elena Shimanovskaya one-room apartment apartment cozy interior Designer's tips Design and interior 25 October 2024With the help of some tricks, you can make your apartment more comfortable for the cold season.
Marina Michalap comfort in the apartment Designer's tips apartment Design and interior 25 October 2024In order to make your rented accommodation more comfortable, it is worth paying attention to some tricks.
Marina Michalap rented apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 18 October 2024In an effort to create a stylish and modern interior, apartment owners study glossy magazines, subscribe to blogs of famous designers and save photos of floor and wall coverings they like.
Elena Shimanovskaya Interior comfort in the apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 24 September 2024With the help of some tricks you can make your apartment more comfortable for autumn.
Marina Michalap comfort in the apartment creating coziness Designer's tips Design and interior 23 September 2024Many people use their summer cottages as a place to store unused things that they don’t want to throw away.
Elena Shimanovskaya country house Designer's tips Design and interior 17 September 2024The effect of excessive reflection appears: a feeling of chaos and disorder arises.
Kurchev Anton mirrors mirrors in the interior mistakes Designer's tips Design and interior 19 August 2024Swedish houses are considered to be the most comfortable in the world for good reason.
Timur Khomichev Sweden Sweden News house design and convenience Design and interior 22 July 2024Are you tired of the interior of your living room or bedroom? It turns out that the situation can be easily fixed without renovation.
Kurchev Anton apartment decoration carpet carpet in the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 27 June 2024