The designer gave three simple tips that will help create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the hallway.
Igor Zur Designer's tips hallway decoration comfort in the apartment style Design and interior 6 January 2025It would be unreasonable to expect to solve all design problems in one evening.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment creating coziness Designer's tips Design and interior 20 November 2024Few people have a separate room for guests, so all visitors have to be accommodated in the living room.
Elena Shimanovskaya living room owners design and convenience cozy living room People and Events 11 November 2024The designer told us what mistakes in the bathroom interior ruin your life.
Igor Zur Designer's tips bathroom bathroom interior design errors Design and interior 2 October 2024It is unlikely that any other type of communication can replace personal communication for a person.
Elena Shimanovskaya telephone communication People and Events 18 September 2024The designer told how to make a bathroom renovation that you won’t want to redo for a long time.
Igor Zur Designer's tips bathroom bathroom renovation fashionable interior Design and interior 12 September 2024A good interior improves your mood.
Kurchev Anton how to improve interior interior design happiness bed Design and interior 13 August 2024The kitchen is divided into three main zones.
Kurchev Anton kitchen design refrigerators kitchen stove washing Design and interior 11 August 2024Whether you're a frequent flyer or an occasional traveler, knowing which seats are best to choose will help you get the most out of your trip.
Sergey Tumanov Top news tourists aircraft life hacks Useful tips 15 July 2024The designer explained what is most important in creating a cozy and comfortable interior.
Igor Zur Designer's tips room lighting things for comfort home renovation Design and interior 1 July 2024Is there a shade that will look good in any room?
Kurchev Anton apartment decoration color selection Designer's tips Design and interior 26 June 2024One of the reasons why many people refuse to fly on an airplane, preferring another form of transport (if possible), is that they cannot get a “normal” sleep in an airplane seat.
Elena Shimanovskaya airplane dreams People and Events 24 June 2024