You probably know the saying “My home is my castle.”
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment decor Designer's tips Design and interior 31 January 2025Probably, each of us sometimes wants to change the usual environment of our home, but it is not always possible to invest in serious redevelopment or repairs.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment Designer's tips interior items Design and interior 13 January 2025Has the interior of your room started to seem boring to you? Has the feeling of coziness disappeared? This can be fixed!
Kurchev Anton furniture in the interior interior renovation methods Designer's tips Design and interior 8 January 2025Probably every housewife has at least once tried to make her home a little more comfortable.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment design errors Designer's tips Design and interior 3 December 2024It would be unreasonable to expect to solve all design problems in one evening.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment comfort Designer's tips Design and interior 20 November 2024You can always make your living room more comfortable if you know a few tricks.
Marina Michalap comfort comfort in the apartment living room Designer's tips Design and interior 3 November 2024When it gets colder outside every day, the desire to make your home cozy only increases.
Elena Shimanovskaya comfort comfort in the apartment how to make a room cozy Designer's tips Design and interior 2 November 2024With the help of some tricks you can make your apartment more comfortable for autumn.
Marina Michalap comfort comfort in the apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 23 September 2024How to update your interior and save money? It turns out it's quite possible!
Kurchev Anton interior design red essential oils Designer's tips Design and interior 10 July 2024The designer told what to pay attention to when renovating a bathroom.
Igor Zur Designer's tips bathroom renovation design errors cleaning the bathroom Design and interior 29 April 2024Three colors that are worth paying attention to during renovation - you can decorate the walls or choose furniture and textiles.
Igor Zur home renovation white color in the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 10 April 2024When choosing kitchen furniture, many people do not pay any attention to the color of the items. And in vain, because this point is very important.
Kurchev Anton kitchen locker color selection Designer's tips Design and interior 27 March 2024The designer talked about boring interior solutions in the living room.
Igor Zur interior in the apartment Designer's tips decor for apartment how to choose furniture Design and interior 11 March 2024Not everyone knows what things can be used to create a cozy atmosphere in the home.
Marina Michalap things for comfort Designer's tips Design and interior 12 January 2024You can transform your space into a cozy and pleasant place for rest and relaxation even with minimal expenses.
Elena Shimanovskaya room design comfort Designer's tips how to make a room cozy Design and interior 2 January 2024With the help of four tricks you can make your apartment more comfortable.
Marina Michalap Designer's tips comfort in the apartment comfort Design and interior 18 December 2023