What achievements do not make it into the popular Guinness Book of Records. The records recorded there speak of a person's persistence and determination.
It is obvious that these are the qualities that distinguished a resident of Uttar Pradesh, India, who grew the longest hair in the world.
Smita Srivastava from India grew her hair for over 20 years, which led to her achievement being included in the book.

During this time, she grew her hair to a length of 2 meters 36 centimeters and 22 millimeters.
The woman is now 46 years old, and it was her mother who inspired Smith to perform such an unusual feat. The record holder last visited a hairdresser when she was 14.
It is known that the woman inherited genes from her mother that ensured healthy hair growth.
I have to wash my hair twice a week.
Smith spends 2 to 3 hours a day drying and combing, and washing alone takes about 30-45 minutes.
The woman combs her hair, laying it out on a sheet, collecting everything that fell out during the grooming procedures.
Smith does not throw away this hair, but keeps it for the past decades.
Despite all the difficulties, there is still no desire to cut her hair. On the contrary, the woman wants to continue growing it.
Earlier we told you about the owner of the longest beard .