
The shovel

Autumn has been here for a month now, which means it’s time to carry out important activities on the site, including soil deoxidation.

Elena Shimanovskaya acidic soil how to deacidify the soil how to deacidify the soil in the garden garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 October 2024

There are legends among novice gardeners and vegetable growers that you can use plants to determine the acidity of the soil.

Elena Shimanovskaya soil acidity soil acidity plants indicator plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 October 2024

Usually, summer residents plant winter garlic at the end of September or the beginning of October. However, it is necessary to prepare a place for this crop as early as August.

Kurchev Anton winter garlic digging the soil fertilizers advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 August 2024

Every summer resident should take care of determining the type of soil, if they have not done so before, since this factor largely determines the type of irrigation, and therefore the growth of plants.

Elena Shimanovskaya soil types main types of soils garden plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 July 2024

Blueberries are not always tasty and sweet. Often, the berries that are picked are too small and sour.

Kurchev Anton blueberry sweet berry Growing blueberries fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 May 2024

Carrot seeds are considered cold-resistant, but it is better to sow them in late April or early May.

Igor Zur sowing carrot seeds advice for summer residents harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 April 2024