Many summer residents begin cultivating the soil only in the spring.
However, it is worth starting to improve the condition of the soil in your suburban area as early as January.
There is one procedure that at first may seem pointless and even stupid.

But then it will become clear that the action is quite effective.
So, in the middle of winter, the soil cover at the dacha needs to be sprinkled with... oatmeal.
Why Scatter Oatmeal Around Your Garden in January
It should be immediately emphasized that the product contains many microelements and compounds that have a positive effect on the condition of the soil and plants.
First of all, we are talking about potassium and phosphorus.
Also worth mentioning is starch, which feeds beneficial microorganisms.
Oatmeal also contains protein, which helps the soil acquire an ideal structure.
By scattering the product around the garden in winter, the gardener will achieve the following: the cereal will decompose, as a result of which the fertility of the soil will increase.
The soil will become ideal for growing most crops, but primarily potatoes, cabbage, carrots, radishes and greens.
How to Spread Oatmeal Properly
First, you need to find out if there is snow cover.
If it is present, it is enough to simply sprinkle the product on the snow. Then the precipitation will melt, and the important components will get directly into the soil.
If there are no snowflakes, then you need to sprinkle the ground with cereal, and then sprinkle the mass with soil or humus.