Housewives were reminded about the storage conditions for garlic and the best ways to preserve the harvest in the apartment.
Igor Zur storage in the apartment tips for housewives air temperature useful tips and life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024We tell you which crops you can and cannot plant garlic after.
Timur Khomichev garlic growing garlic planting garlic the all-rounder Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 December 2024Growing large garlic is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
Timur Khomichev garlic planting garlic growing garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 October 2024Winter garlic is planted in the fall, and in the spring it is time to care for the garden bed.
Sergey Tumanov winter garlic the rules tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 October 2024Getting a good harvest of winter garlic is not that difficult.
Timur Khomichev garlic winter garlic planting winter garlic growing garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 October 2024If garlic has sprouted, don't pull out or cut off the sprouts - here's how to do it right.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners winter garlic mistakes fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 October 2024The best days of October according to the lunar calendar for planting winter garlic have been named.
Igor Zur planting garlic winter garlic tips for gardeners lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 October 2024We'll tell you how to get an excellent harvest of winter garlic.
Timur Khomichev garlic winter garlic planting garlic planting winter garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 October 2024What ingredients should be added to the soil to grow a rich garlic crop?
Igor Zur winter garlic tips for gardeners selection of fertilizers beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 September 2024With the help of a few clever methods, you can preserve garlic until summer.
Marina Michalap storing garlic garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 September 2024Before the onset of cold weather, winter garlic should take root, but not shoot up, otherwise all the work will be in vain.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners winter garlic planting garlic dacha in autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 September 2024Not everyone knows how to increase the yield of winter garlic using ordinary ash.
Marina Michalap ash as fertilizer winter garlic Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 September 2024Not everyone knows how to properly store garlic.
Marina Michalap garlic storing garlic advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 September 2024Compost is one of the best options for restoring soil after garlic.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents fertile soil increasing crop yields beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 September 2024The final third of August has arrived. The winter garlic harvest should have been collected long ago.
Kurchev Anton winter garlic green manure mustard Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 August 2024Not everyone knows the correct answer to the question of whether it is worth trimming garlic after harvesting.
Marina Michalap garlic storing garlic advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 July 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate that it is time to harvest garlic.
Marina Michalap garlic garlic at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 July 2024Summer residents were reminded how to distinguish ripe spring garlic.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners summer cottage storage Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 July 2024Summer residents were reminded of the signs of maturity of the winter garlic crop.
Igor Zur growing garlic tips for gardeners summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 July 2024Summer residents were told how and what to feed garlic with in July for a rich harvest.
Igor Zur growing garlic fertilization summer cottage tips for gardeners Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 July 2024