Is it possible to plant garlic in the same place: remember for the rest of your life

08.12.2024 18:11

You can return garlic to its old place no earlier than after 2-3 years.

We tell you which crops you can and cannot plant garlic after.

After what you can and cannot plant garlic

The main rule is not to plant garlic in the same place two seasons in a row.

Garlic should be returned to its original bed no earlier than after 2-3 years, ideally after 5 years.

It is strictly forbidden to plant garlic after onions and other crops from the onion family.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is also not recommended to plant garlic after nightshades - tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. They can infect garlic with fusarium.

Good predecessors for garlic are zucchini, squash, pumpkin, legumes and cabbage.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor