A decrease in sexual desire or its increase also indicates chronic stress - and other unusual signs.
Igor Zur symptoms useful tips and life hacks maintain health organism People and Events 20 January 2025Stress has become an integral part of our lives, which each of us faces at one time or another.
Elena Shimanovskaya cope with stress how to get rid of stress virus infection People and Events 14 January 2025In today's world, full of stressful situations, stress resistance is becoming not just a desirable quality, but also a necessity.
Valeria Kisternaya board psychology nerve People and Events 12 January 2025Our meowing pets are endowed with fine hearing. Their abilities are so developed that cats are able to catch the slightest rustle.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals stress in a cat Pets 4 January 2025Several products recommended by experts can help solve the problem.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news products nutrition experts Beauty and health 26 December 2024Stress affects not only our emotional state, but also the foods we choose.
Elena Shimanovskaya food products health benefit healthy products Beauty and health 12 December 2024If the problem is not in the pet’s tiredness and desire to sleep, then most likely it is in stress.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior yawning Tips for dog owners Pets 9 December 2024According to experts, a woman has an influence on the initial formation of a child’s psyche, but much also depends on the father.
Igor Zur raising children parents and children psyche board Children 2 December 2024The purrs are ready to forgive their owners a lot. But not ignoring!
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior facts about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 15 November 2024Eating such food helps to reduce the level of anxiety and nervous tension.
Kurchev Anton how to cope with stress food products oranges buckwheat porridge Beauty and health 13 November 2024American scientists have proven that 46 minutes of additional sleep improves well-being, while 37 minutes of lack of sleep depresses the psyche.
Igor Zur consequences of lack of sleep research by scientists mental health Bad mood Beauty and health 9 November 2024As one of the most stable and practical signs of the zodiac, you are no stranger to anxiety and stress.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac how to cope with stress astrology board Horoscopes 2 November 2024There is nothing scary about rare night awakenings. But if the phenomenon makes itself known every night, then this is a very serious problem.
Kurchev Anton sleep problems night awakenings reasons experiences Beauty and health 1 November 2024When a person experiences stress, their well-being and mood worsen. Stress is a real "joy eater".
Sergey Tumanov how to cope with stress how to get rid of stress methods board Beauty and health 1 November 2024Not everyone knows why cats may experience increased anxiety.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats cat health Pets 30 October 2024Owners of cats are convinced that their pets can be considered real antidepressants on four paws.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals alarm Pets 17 October 2024Some tips to help you avoid insomnia, even if stress is a hindrance.
Igor Zur insomnia causes useful tips and life hacks healthy sleep gymnastics Beauty and health 7 October 2024Although cats seem calm and unperturbed to most of us, these animals are also capable of experiencing stress, and it is very easy to upset the pet’s mental balance.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals stress in a cat Pets 6 October 2024Cats react negatively to changes in environment. Traveling is a stressful situation for any meowing pet.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior essential oil lavender Pets 5 October 2024Researchers at Linköping University have found that herding dogs are capable of experiencing stress at the same time as their owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals Pets 27 September 2024