Due to their freedom-loving nature, not all domestic cats are ready to sit in human arms.
From all the variety, experts have chosen five breeds that want nothing more than to spend the evening in the arms of their owner.
Cats of these breeds are recommended for those who intend to get maximum pleasure from contact with their pet.
First place
The leader of the rating is the Russian Blue cat - obedient and with a docile character.
Only in their youth can these cats make their owners worry. But over the years, nature takes its toll, and the animal makes contact with humans.
Second place
This cat is not just called obedient. The Scottish Fold is intelligent and tactful by nature.
She does not become attached to any one person, but rather interacts with all family members, including small children.
Third place
The cat is only alarming in its size. With age, it turns into a very sociable sloth.
She is also sociable and does not conflict with children.
Fourth place
Considering the love of cats for sources of heat, which they consider humans to be, one cannot help but recall the hairless cat or the sphinx.
She makes contact herself, asks for attention and demands care. The cat is affectionate and, despite her frightening appearance, loves children.
Fifth place
This is exactly the case when it is better not to close the bedroom door at night. The cat cannot live without its owner and therefore persistently demands communication, affection and attention.