During the Soviet Union, it was fashionable to give children unusual names that reflected the spirit of the era.
Timur Khomichev Lyudmila Gurchenko Name names names for children People and Events 9 November 2024Siberian cats are majestic cats with thick fur and powerful paws that have won the hearts of many Soviet citizens.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals cat breeds Pets 3 November 2024You can repeat this Soviet masterpiece at home.
Kurchev Anton goulash goulash recipe delicious recipes soviet cuisine Cooking 2 November 2024Many representatives of the older generation have never managed to get rid of their outdated Soviet habits.
Kurchev Anton Soviet habits harm saving hoarding People and Events 30 September 2024Four habits of Soviet citizens and one of the most terrible ones - it's time to forget.
Igor Zur bad habits interesting facts human behavior quality of life People and Events 24 September 2024Any language is a self-developing system, constantly changing and updating.
Timur Khomichev Russian language mistakes languages the rules People and Events 20 August 2024Nowadays, modern analogues of these products cannot compare with what was there before.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news products food products taste Cooking 19 August 2024We explain why such a ban was introduced in the USSR.
Timur Khomichev sagebrush wormwood benefits ban plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 August 2024These habits often seem strange and archaic, but they still live among us, reminding us of the past and influencing the present.
Sergey Tumanov Top news habits things work People and Events 11 August 2024You will be surprised, but this layout was not invented by Soviet architects.
Timur Khomichev kitchen soviet cuisine Khrushchev housing Design and interior 7 August 2024Old traditions and habits that do not let us go can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.
Sergey Tumanov Top news things habits traditions People and Events 4 August 2024This feature was determined by several factors that took into account economy, hygiene, practicality, aesthetics, low cost and functionality.
Sergey Tumanov Top news duvet cover things life hacks Useful tips 29 July 2024In the USSR, wise men knew how to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news scent alcohol life hacks Beauty and health 26 July 2024The so-called triple food standard was invented in the post-war years, when a lot of work had to be done to rebuild the country.
Timur Khomichev nutrition dinner healthy eating proper nutrition Cooking 24 July 2024We tell you why poplars were planted in the USSR, and not birches or aspens.
Timur Khomichev poplar poplar trees tree People and Events 23 July 2024Only a child who was doing something could sit down to eat: helping around the house, doing homework, going to the store for groceries.
Sergey Tumanov Top news raising children in the USSR upbringing life hacks Children 17 July 2024In Soviet times, people treated bread with care.
Kurchev Anton household habits soviet education behavior things People and Events 8 July 2024It was not just for nothing that this amount of land for dachas was given out in the Soviet Union.
Timur Khomichev country house plot summer cottage garden People and Events 2 July 2024Lyubov Sokolova played more than 350 film roles.
Kurchev Anton an actress Love Sokolova interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 1 July 2024Juna predicted that everything in Russia would change 5 years after her death.
Igor Zur Juna's predictions predictions about Russia interesting facts prophecy People and Events 9 June 2024